Diffuse by name and textured by nature | X Avant XIX at the Music Gallery
Diffuse was the name of a concert I attended on October 16, the second night of the Music Gallery’s X Avant Festival, this year titled TeXtures, now in its 19th season. The event was the realization of a long-held dream by Michael Palumbo – to produce a concert where the music is diffused through multiple speakers. At its heart, the evening was both a celebration of improvised music and the release of the vinyl LP You are the Right Length.
Palumbo organizes and curates Exit Points, a monthly series of recorded, free-improvised concerts held at ArrayMusic on the last Friday of every month. Excerpts from these improvised sets were selected for the LP, and this concert premiered both sides of the just-released vinyl album in surround-sound mixes co-created by Palumbo and sound engineer Matt Legee. The album is a kind of sampler of the entire Exit Points discography, crafting shorter beginnings and endings from the more extensive original improvisations. Each excerpt was then given an innovative title.