Terra Tremuit - Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal; Christopher Jackson
29 April 2014 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
The Musical Voyages of Marco Polo
27 March 2014 |
Pot Pourri
Handel – Serse
29 January 2014 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
Io Vidi In Terra - José Lemos; Jory Vinikour; Deborah Fox
28 November 2013 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
Sospiro: Alessandro Grandi – Complete Arias, 1626
30 September 2013 |
Vocal and Choral
Giuseppi Scarlatti – Dove è amore è gelosia
29 August 2013 |
Vocal and Choral
Rameau - Les Amants Trahis
02 June 2013 |
Vocal and Choral
Couperin - Concerts Royaux
02 June 2013 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
Sentirete Una Canzonetta - Harmonious Blacksmith;
29 March 2013 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
Division-Musicke – English duos for viol and lute
30 January 2013 |
Early, Classical and Beyond