A dear friend who works in theatre was coming from out of town. Discussing this much-anticipated visit over email, she commented that spending one of our few precious evenings at the theatre might be “a bit of a busman’s holiday”.

Intrigued, I had to know where this expression came from. It seems that back in the days of horse-driven omnibuses, drivers often grew very attached to their particular team of horses. During their days off, many would disguise themselves as regular passengers in order to keep a critical eye on the relief drivers.

Musical “busman’s holidays” seem to be the norm for many musical folk – either because they are performing at festivals or have signed up for master classes and workshops, or because they seek out festivals where they can hear music instead of rehearsing and performing it. Here’s another version: at least a couple of string players I know listen only to hard-core metal or classic rock tunes while they car-pool from summer gig to summer gig.

While there are still a few wonderful final choral concerts in June, the regular choir season is wrapping up, and I find myself wondering: what will those of you who read this column regularly be doing to recharge yourselves during the off-season?

(Bandstand colleague Jack McQuarrie has an ambitious summer agenda, which you may find inspiring or alarming!)

Last summer, one of my musical sons earned enough money, singing and playing guitar on a street corner, to go to music camp out of town. Now he can’t wait to do it all again.

I’m going to continue trying to figure out if I’m a tenor or a baritone. In secret.

Please write to editorial@thewholenote.com and tell us what YOU will be doing this summer. We’d love to share what you have to say in the July/August issue.

Movies Embracing Music

Two films have been selected for our June 24 Choral Double Feature!

Bet you’re dying to know what they are ...!

Inspired by these two remarkable stories, we have decided to call the evening “Music That Changes Lives” .

So circle the date and order your event pass today from TOTix.

Plan a “birds of a feather” night out with your choral friends, or come alone. We’ll be delighted to

see you.


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Author: mj buell
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