Listening Room

02 Ysaye KhachatryanYsaÿe: Six Sonatas for Solo Violin
Sergey Khachatryan
naïve V 5451 (


Ysaÿe: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 2, Op.27 - II. Malinconia - Listen on Dropbox

Ysaÿe : Sonata for Solo Violin No. 1, Op.27 - III. Allegretto Poco Scherzoso - Listen on Dropbox


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The Armenian violinist Sergey Khachatryan is simply superb on Ysaÿe VI Sonatas, the set of 6 Sonatas for solo violin Op.27 by the Belgian violinist and composer Eugene Ysaÿe (naïve V 5451

After hearing Joseph Szigeti play Bach’s Sonata No.1 in G Minor in early 1923, Ysaÿe decided to compose his own tribute to Bach, reflecting current musical language and violin technique while also incorporating elements of Szigeti’s style. By July he had written a further five, each dedicated to and depicting a different violinist: Jacques Thibaud; Georges Enescu; Fritz Kreisler; Mathieu Crickboom; and Manuel Quiroga.

What makes this release extra special, though, is the fact that it marks the first recording of the sonatas on Ysaÿe’s 1740 Guarneri del Gesù violin, on loan from the Nippon Music Foundation; its sumptuous tone in such supremely talented hands fully exploits the instrument’s wide range of tonal colour.

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