English Recorder Concertos - Michala Petri; City Chamber Orchestra Hong Kong; Jean Thorel
29 June 2012 |
Modern and Contemporary
Bach – St. John Passion
01 May 2012 |
Vocal and Choral
The Flute King - Music from the Court of Frederick the Great - Emmanuel Pahud
27 February 2012 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
Telemann - The Recorder Collection - Clas Pehrsson; Dan Laurin
30 May 2011 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
Bach - Flute Sonatas - Joshua Smith; Jory Vinikour; Ann Marie Morgan; Allison Guest Edberg
29 April 2011 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
Just the Spot | Favourite Musical Places
01 March 2011 |
Just the Spot
Diamonds of the North - Songs from Scandanavia - Duo Freya
03 December 2010 |
Vocal and Choral
Chinese Recorder Concertos - Michala Petri; Copenhagen Philharmonic; lan Shui
01 December 2010 |
Modern and Contemporary
If I Were a Bird - A Piano Aviary Michael Lewin
27 May 2010 |
Early, Classical and Beyond
Bernhard Joachim Hagen - Sonatas for Lute and Strings - John Schneiderman; Elizabeth Blumenstock; William Skeen
29 October 2009 |
Early, Classical and Beyond