By mJ buell
Who are Music's Children? Some thoughts, and a Quiz!
Looking back at the 45 musician profiles (so far) that have appeared in The WholeNote's "Music's Child" contest since it began 2005 is thought provoking. Some have parents who were themselves musicians, but as many have parents who were not. And while many were born in other countries or came to Canada as young people, as many had parents and grandparents who were born here. Only some knew from childhood that they would become musicians.
Among the common threads is information we should treasure, and share with those who have children. In response to the question What is your earliest musical memory? the most common replies were "my mother singing" and, "there was always music playing in our home."As well, mention was made of radio (especially the CBC), vinyl records, family members who sang to them as little children, and friends and family making informal music together. There is no mystery here - children who grow up with music will have a lifelong relationship with it.
And now, to keep you busy all summer long:
Prizes will be awarded to those who are able to correctly answer the most questions. (Send your answers to the usual address: see below.)
Which of our "Music's Children" said:
1. There are three kinds of people in the world...
2. It's standard rep!
3. ...skipping all the way to the theatre singing my part over and over again. It made me feel giddy inside.
4. I didn't decide to be a musician. It just happened.
5. . ...we still get along well enough to play together!
6. The winner takes it all...
7. You are going to have the most fortunate of all lives...
8. Music is the great transcender!
9. I have since fractured my wrist, sprained a finger, slashed through my thumb while cooking...
10. ...I removed all the strings from the violin, and the bridge fell off. Assuming I had permanently destroyed the instrument I threw it in the trash...
Their WholeNote childhood photo could have been called:
11. You Can't Beat This!
12. Babe on the Beach
13. Happy Birthday to Yooooou!
14. This take felt good!
15. When I grow up, I'm going to have a much nicer wig than that.
16. A concert for one
Ultimate trivia questions! Who...
17. ...has a collection of (at least ) 64 bow ties?
18. ...played four years of girls high-school rugby?
19 ...was told she might make a good Forest Ranger or Fire Fighter?
20. ...sang the title track for "Little Mosque on the Prairie"?
21. ...has a CD called "She's Sweetest When She's Naked"
Best advice:
22. Don't ever squeeze a weasel!
23. Don't let nobody steal your joy!
24. Don't ever trust conductors!
25. Better to be in the parade than standing around watching as it goes by.
26. Subdivide and conquer!
27. I would encourage everyone to expose young people to great music of all kinds.
Whose photos should appear in our 2009-2010 contest season? Send your best ideas to Please provide your mailing address, just in case your candidate is chosen.
We might have a prize for you!