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All Saints Kingsway ChoirAll Saints Kingsway Choir provides musical leadership at weekly Sunday morning Eucharists, Festival Evensongs, community outreach projects and concerts year-round. The choir is made up of paid section leads and volunteer participants and welcomes new singers throughout the year. Recent performances include Karl Jenkins’s Stabat Mater, Howard Goodall’s Eternal Light: A Requiem, festal celebrations with the drumming ensemble Beyond Sound Empijah, the Michael Occhipinti Jazz Quartet, Maurice Duruflé’s Requiem and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s The Atonement, both with the Nathaniel Dett Chorale. Jazz Vespers and lunchtime organ recitals round out the regular musical offerings. New members are always welcome to the Music at All Saints Kingsway family. Come and be a part of a fantastic choral and instrumental creative community.

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