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The 24-voice DaCapo Chamber Choir was founded in 1998 in Kitchener-Waterloo under the direction of Leonard Enns. The mission of the choir is to identify, study, rehearse & present outstanding choral chamber works of the past 100 years and to champion music of Canadian and local composers. In November 2018, the choir released its 3rd CD, NewWorks, with selections received through the first 10 years of its national choral composition competition. 

Although the 20/21 season remains uncertain, the choir will continue to release archival recordings online and plans to complete their 3-year "Road to Refuge" program in May - presenting the concert that was cancelled due to COVID-19 in May 2020.

For the most recent updates to the choir's plans, please visit their website and check out their music on their YouTube channel!

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