canary sitelinkJohn Stephenson, director of music

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St. Olave's Anglican Church ChoirThe Choir at St. Olave’s Anglican Church sings music for Communion, Morning Prayer, and Evensong services in the English choral tradition (Berkeley, Byrd, Elgar, Howells, Leighton, Stanford, Willan). While our focus is on British and Canadian composers, we also sing motets by Palestrina and Victoria, and choral music from the 18th to 21st century. Rehearsals are on Thursdays, 7:30-9pm and Sundays at 9:30am for the 10:30am service. Evensongs are sung by our Choir or visiting Choirs approximately once a month. We are an auditioned Choir made up of volunteers and paid leads, and have a passion for what we do.

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