canary sitelinkVirginia Evoy, executive director

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The St. James Town Children’s Choir, founded in 2007, welcomes children from grades 3 to 8 from St. James Town and surrounding neighborhoods. The choir’s artistic directors over the years have many years working with children’s choirs, many of them music specialists from the RCM and Toronto District School Board. Over the years, the choir has sung with professional choirs, at sports events, in long-term care facilities, in schools and community events, and has collaborated with professional musicians (e.g. Ensemble Vivant, Suba Sankaran). The repertoire is secular, diverse, inclusive, fun and musically enriching. Music literacy and performance opportunities are a priority.

Choristers are welcomed for September 2019. Information is available on our website and questions may be directed to, or 416-421-8518.

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