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Music at St. Thomas's Anglican Church 2023St. Thomas’s music program elevates our worship, freely offering the gift of music to anyone coming through our doors (physically, or virtually via livestream). Music creates community and meaningful connection as we attract skilled choristers and other musicians, feature guest artists from our parish and beyond, and welcome all who come to hear them. Under the leadership of Interim Director of Music Elizabeth Anderson, choral and organ music are offered at the 9:30am Sung Mass, at the 11am High Mass, and at Evensong and Devotions at 5pm Evensong, a service of prayers and music, features the great heritage of Anglican sacred music as sung in British cathedrals. We welcome experienced choristers who value a high standard of ensemble singing to audition by contacting

We have launched a choral program for children with unchanged voices, ages seven and up. The St. Thomas’s Choristers rehearse after school one day a week and sing at the 9:30am Sung Mass. Our vision is inspired by programs in cathedrals, parish churches, and academic colleges across the UK and North America. Children will be provided with a free comprehensive music education, with a focus on sacred repertoire. Contact Finally, through our Friends of Music (honorary co-chairs Molly Johnson and Larry Beckwith), we host concerts and lecture-recitals featuring a variety of celebrated artists. The choirs also present occasional concerts, and our Advent carol services are a much-loved tradition.

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