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St. Olave’s, Swansea, is an Anglican church in the west end of Toronto. Traditional services of Holy Communion or Morning Prayer (sung Sundays at 10:30am) use the Book of Common Prayer. There are also Choral Evensongs throughout the year, our very popular “Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols” before Christmas and a special Good Friday service with readings and choral music. Its excellent acoustics, organ and grand piano make it a desirable venue for performing groups and recitals.

Choral Evensongs often featuring a visiting choir (about one Sunday per month at 4pm) are followed by afternoon tea and a music event (as listed in The WholeNote), such as illustrated music talks or recitals by guest musicians, or performances from our Arts Guild. Evening Prayer (various weekdays at 6pm) are followed by supper and talks on travel, history, applied religion, etc.

Our choir, under the direction of John Stephenson, leads the congregation in hymns and canticles, and also sings anthems and motets. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:30pm to 9pm, with a warm-up Sundays at 9:30am. Call to ask about paid positions, or come to a rehearsal to see what it’s all about. Singers are also welcome to join the choir at Choral Evensongs.

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