canary sitelinkJoëlle Morton

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Scaramella ConcertsScaramella presents intimate, one-of-a-kind period instrument chamber music concerts, bringing together top-notch musicians from Canada and abroad for fresh and vivacious performances. Children 14 and under are welcomed, free of charge.

It’s a celebration! 2019/20 is Scaramella’s fifteenth season, following a tradition we have built over the years of pairing old friends with new. We open with local harpsichord superstar Sara-Anne Churchill and Montréal’s most eloquent French Baroque violin specialist, Olivier Brault, for music of Rameau. In February, we have a fabulous vocal team that pays tribute to the Ferrarese concerto delle donne. We end by exploring music that has been ‘Englished;’ songs and instrumental gems that showcase the sparkling and sonorous accompaniment of viol and harp. Do please join us!

The season in brief includes Nov 16: “Pièces en concerts” (clavecin, violon, basse de viole); February 8: “Musica secreta” (3 sopranos, viola bastarda, lute, cembalo); May 16: “Behold a Wonder” (soprano, harp, 2 lyra viols). More details are available on our website. Tickets are always available at the door, or for advance purchase using the order form on the website. 

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