02 Sultans of StringSubcontinental Drift
Sultans of String; Anwar Khurshid
Independent MCK2060 (sultansofstring.com)


World music Canadian superstars Sultans of String continue to expand their musical journey with the addition of guest sitar master Anwar Khurshid in this release. Khurshid adds energy and Eastern flavours to the already diverse-sounding flamenco, Arabic folk, Cuban rhythm, East Coast fiddling and you-name-it-sounding band. The result is perfect, joyful music performed by perfect musicians.

Founding members violinist/bandleader Chris McKhool and guitarist Kevin Laliberté along with guitarist Eddie Paton, bassist Drew Birston and Cuban master percussionist Rosendo “Chendy” Leon have created the band’s signature successful blend as heard on the rhythmical percussion-driven Subcontinental Drift and the more folksy A Place to Call Home. It is their strength of vision that welcomes Khurshid’s musicianship to all the tracks. Rakes of Mallow is an ancient Irish fiddle tune introduced to India and taught to local musicians during the English rule. Sung passionately by Kurshid, it is followed in medley form by the rollicking original Rouge River Valley. Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the Wind is given a timeless world beat cover. Journey to Freedom is an uplifting positive song/anthem sonic blend tracing Kurshid’s journey from Pakistan to Canada. Other special guests lending their signature sounds to specific tracks include Ravi Naimpally, Shweta Subram, Waleed Abdulhamid and a backing choir.

The production qualities feature a balanced mix and live off the floor clear tone quality. Subcontinental Drift is simply great music for all to enjoy and respect.

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Author: Tiina Kiik
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