04 Doug WildeThe Sixth Dimension
Doug Wilde
Independent (dougwilde.com/new.html)

Opening ourselves to the previously unexplored is often what we need to reset and take on a refreshed perspective on life. Doug Wilde’s newest album allows us to accomplish just that, exploring unique tonal systems that are new to listeners’ ears and open up doorways to understand music in different ways than we have previously. Coming from the renowned contemporary music supergroup Manteca, Wilde is no stranger to introducing listeners to deeper meanings hidden within music and alternative melodies and rhythms. Featuring famed names like Paul Novotny on bass, Colleen Allen on saxophones and bass clarinet and James Ervin on horns, this is an album that will take you on an exciting musical trip through unexplored territory. 

This recording could be interpreted as both an outward exploration of new sonic worlds and an introspective journey during which the listener can venture as far as they feel comfortable. Hexachords are the basis for the music – simply put, six-note scales as opposed to the typical seven. Each tune uses a different hexachord and the result is truly refreshing and captivating: there’s a certain mysticism and sense of the “unknown” within each piece that keeps the listener on their toes. It’s fascinating how this record manages to sound both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, and the combination and interplay of those two aspects reflected within these melodies is what makes this a fantastic addition to any music lover’s collection. 

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