How to submit date-related listings (live or live-streamed)
The WholeNote’s free date-related listings offer coverage of live and/or livestreamed musical performances and events throughout Ontario, with a focus on classical, new classical, opera, music theatre, early, jazz, folk, choral and world musics.
Any questions about the following can be directed to, to the attention of John Sharpe, listings editor.
Please note that there are two sets of deadlines:
Print: The deadline for submissions for the print magazine is no later than fifteen days before publication of the issue covering the event in question. (For example, the deadline for the January 2022 magazine -- which covers January 21 to early March 2022 -- is Monday January 3 2022).
Weekly online update: listings for each upcoming week are posted on the weekend preceding the first listed date. To ensure publication in the weekly update, listings must be received by 6pm on the preceding Tuesday.
You can submit your listings either by filling in the form below, or by following this format and emailing your listing to
About the form
Concert Listings in The WholeNote, whether live or live streamed or prerecorded for screening/streaming, follow a standardized structure, and are constructed from specific items of information. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are essential; other items are optional.
Please note: Listings submitted via this form will be subject to editing as to conform with The WholeNote listings style and structure. Click here for short descriptions of what goes in each field in the form.
Questions? Email, attention John Sharpe, listings editor.