canary sitelinkJason Locke, minister of music
416-239-1131 x226

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Islington United Church ChoirsThe extensive and active music program at Islington, under the direction of Jason Locke and assisted by many talented and committed musicians including two music associates, includes the Junior (grades 1-6), Youth (grades 7-12), and Senior choirs, along with two handbell choirs, chimes, string and brass ensembles. Supported by a magnificent Schoenstein organ and grand piano, music rings through the Modern Gothic sanctuary for two morning services each Sunday and numerous special services, events and concerts. The accomplished Senior choir, with 25-30 talented singers enriched by section leaders, is attentive to musical detail and expressiveness to enhance worship, singing Renaissance to the 21st century, a cappella to orchestral accompaniment, spirituals to Bach cantatas.

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