To The WholeNote magazine, ..

How I met my teacher

To_The_WholeNote_-_Jacot.jpgAs I sat thinking what I had accomplished on my clarinet, I realized I was just spinning my wheels – not going anywhere. I was playing in my comfort zone and in my tempo zone. I was 81 years of age and wanted to improve. But how? I had no idea” 

One day as I was reading The WholeNote magazine – the best source of what’s happening in the local music scene - I spotted an advertisement for music lessons on clarinet, saxophone and flute. The teacher’s name is Michele Jacot. “Well,” I said to myself, “why not - let’s talk” and we did. I have had other teachers over the many years, but none – and I mean none – were more knowledgeable than Michele Jacot.


She explained her method of teaching and what she expected of me. Her teaching aids were hung on her studio walls. There wasn’t a question that she could not answer. I knew then that Michele was going to be my clarinet teacher for life - not sure how long that was going to be; Michele didn’t know the answer either.

I had finally stumped her.

Well time flies and a year has gone by under the guidance of Michele. I recall a time when I was really having trouble and frustration in my lessons, she said something to me that I will never forget. “Sol,” she said, “I’m on your side.” I knew I had the right teacher. It was my lucky day when I decided to take clarinet lessons from Michele. I wish to give a huge thanks to The WholeNote magazine. You made it all happen. Thank you.

Sol Robins

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