03 early 01 passaggiPassaggi
Vincent Lauzer; Mark Edwards
ATMA ACD2 2637

Having just recently enjoyed a CD of late 16th and 17th century music for the cello, it’s timely to hear Passaggi, a recording of repertoire from the same era but this time for recorder and keyboard. This disc includes diminutions, sonatas, sinfonias, canzonas and Frescobaldi’s extravagant Cento Partite for harpsichord, and features two players familiar to Montréal audiences, Vincent Lauzer and Mark Edwards.

They work well as a team and play this program with affectionate invention. Edwards’ alternation between organ and harpsichord is often witty, for example in Berardi’s Canzona and Schmelzer’s sonatas, and his take on Frescobaldi’s Cento Partite is impressive. I particularly enjoyed his laid-back ambling through the sections displaying the savoury nature of the temperament he’s chosen. Lauzer provides impressive displays of nimble fingerwork, for example in the Notari canzona and the Schmelzer, and plays with a sweet sound. It’s also very good to hear him employ the g alto recorder, the favoured “solo” recorder of the era, as well as the soprano. He creates some nice changes of colour and volume with the use of alternate fingerings, but in the 17th-century pieces I miss the ornamental affetti described by musician/composers of the time, which are commonly heard in baroque violin and cornetto performances of this repertoire. They provide a broader expressive palette to the wind player and assist in making a greater distinction between diminution practice and the “seconda prattica” of the 17th century.

That aside, this is an enjoyable musical exploration of some wonderful music, from two of North America’s fine younger generation of players. Kudos to all involved!

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